“Johnny Miller”
Chapter Spirit Award
This award was adopted by the Madison Chapter in 2017, in memory of our friend Johnny Miller. He had a passion for Barbershopping and a smile that could melt a block of ice. His humor and enthusiasm for singing was an inspiration to us all. He pressed the hand and heart of many fellow barbershoppers. Wherever he went where there are barbershoppers present, you’d hear Johnny’s name being called out from across the room.
The Chapter Spirit Award is given to a current chapter member who by popular vote of his piers is nominated for demonstrating the character, enthusiasm, and energy of the likes of Johnny Miller.
Usually the most recent recipient makes the presentation at the annual awards banquet. The recipient receives a token item of appreciation and his name is added to a chapter plaque with previous honorees. There are no limits put on how many times and how frequently someone can receive this award.
2024 - Daniel Waniak
2023 - Gerard Potvin
2022 - Daniel Waniak
2021 - Gerard Potvin
2020 - Dennis Haight
2019 - Gerard Potvin
2018 - Matt Record
2017 - Dennis Haight